Friday, September 14, 2007

Your Humble Organizer XPOSED!!!

Amy Magazine
Sep 14, 2007 Issue

Chinkerbella for hooking up~
Jenna and Janice for providing pics~
Maggie for getting a copy while I'm away~

... and all those who know how to have a good time!


Jenna Michelle said...

WAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! DIANE ROCKS!!!!!!! Such an inspiration for our future theme partiessssss!

Anonymous said...

You have always been our inspiration to have fun in our lives. Work hard and play harder definitely is reflected in our lives when you were still with us in SF and I miss it so much. Lucky me I will be back really soon and be part of this with you again!
Ditto, you ROCK!

Jenna Michelle said...

ohoh! and you should use that picture as your new profile picture la! So NICE!!

Anonymous said...


而家好多artist都出書, 入面既內容可能都無你加埋既生活豐富的咁緊要, 不如諗諗佢呀!!! 最多我同felix幫你影d snap做插圖呀

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.